I'm a retired educator (teacher/principal) who moved from Northern California to Payson, Arizona in September, 2010.
This blog will chronicle my adventures as I explore a different ecosystem and build my new home.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Planting Trees, Making Steps

We had been struggling with how to "erase" the dirt driveway that came off of the cement driveway and ended up at the garden gate on the west side of the house. Randy had a solution! We bought railroad ties at Home Depot and cut them in half with a chain saw and viola….steps to get from the front of the house to the garden area. We bordered them with rock….had lots of those all around the house. And then had a load of crushed granite delivered and dumped some on each step.

We planted more Cottonwood trees as they are such fast growers and have had good luck with the two in the west patio area. They are excellent shade trees and we need shade! We also planted a Honey Locust tree. Lupe and Brian are planting one of the trees. Lupe does great rock work and Brian has the "Tonka toys" that help dig the holes and level the ground. Due to the drought, our ground is like cement!

We should have lots of shade in a few years. We had to put wire cages around each of the trees because of the elk. They are eating everything this year as the drought has affected their food sources and they are hungry.

We planted some grasses and other plants to make it look more interesting. We will finish it off with some landscape rock in a week or so.

Brian got some big rocks with his shovel and we put some on each side of the steps as they make a nice backdrop for the plants.

We also planted a Cottonwood on either side of the driveway near the street.

Brian picked up some of the native grasses that grow in the cachement area next to our property. We're not sure how well they will do but they will definitely get more water in our yard so we will see.
Next step: dripper lines to all the plants.

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