I'm a retired educator (teacher/principal) who moved from Northern California to Payson, Arizona in September, 2010.
This blog will chronicle my adventures as I explore a different ecosystem and build my new home.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cooper Update

Here's Cooper in his crate. He is getting more confident and comfortable and has gotten himself into some trouble.....chewing on the ottoman, for example.

We got Cooper another bed so he could be comfy and watch the news with us each night. Guess who decided this was the best bed in the house?

Cooper had a "play date" this weekend with Abby. She belongs to some friends we met who have lived in Payson for five years. They are originally from San Diego.

They really had a great time rolling around in the grass and tackling each other over and over again.

Cooper was exhausted after Abby left.

We take Cooper out to the build site each day. He enjoys walking around and smelling the elk, javelina and other wonderful scents that only a dog can smell.

It was cold and windy today but Matt and Pat got some of the plywood on the roof.

It looks more like a roof from the inside now. It's supposed to be really windy and much colder tomorrow. I'm not sure they are going to be able to work on the roof. We'll see.

Matt is coming over tomorrow morning to discuss outside house paint and window colors. I keep changing my mind.....I'll be glad when it is decided.


  1. Hey Jeanne and Randy!

    Wow! Looks like TONS of progress every day! I Love the new pup! What a beautiful doggie. I'm sure “Cooper” is keeping you both very busy!
    THANKS! For all the fantastic postings; including amazing photos along with very educational comments. Congrats! I think we should show this at an Assembly? Remember those! We Miss You! Mrs. Cook

  2. Hi, Theresa/Mrs. Cook!
    Good to hear from you!!! A big shout out to all the kids at MES. I miss you. I do remember Friday assemblies and I miss them too. I could definitely tell Cooper stories this year!
    What new tech projects have you got going this year?
    We are really enjoying Arizona and can't wait to get into our new house....hopefully in June.
