There are 3,200 different desert plants within the Arboretum.
There are also 230 bird and 72 terrestrial species that have been tallied over the years as both permanent and migratory Arboretum residents.
The Arboretum has a living collection of over 800 kinds of cacti and is a center for the study of this family of desert plants.
There is a demonstration garden that highlights water-efficient residential theme gardens.
The Arboretum is actively engaged in the experimental cultivation and propagation of economically important desert plants. Desert and arid regions cover about 25% of the earth's land area.
Worldwide, only one person in twenty is sustained by the deserts' biological productivity. As millions of acres of arable land disappear every year, deserts may yield food and fiber for a growing human population.
A fascinating place we will return to again and again.