On Monday we got up early and packed the car. Randy took the cats and his beloved plants in the Fit. The cats were housed in a dog crate with two beds, food and a litter box.
I got everything else in my car....suitcases, emergency kitchen supplies, safe with valuables, computer....it was full, but I could still see out the back window.
The vet gave us tranquilizers for the cats but we decided to see how they reacted to the car ride before giving them anything. They settled down quickly and slept the whole day. We only stopped for short periods of time to get gas and a snack so the car wouldn't get hot.
We drove from 8:00 am until 6:30 pm the first day. It was a long day. We spent the night in Needles at a pet friendly Motel 6 for $35.99 (How much I asked?).
Buster went a little crazy in the motel room and we gave him a tranquilizer at one in the morning. That settled him down! The cats did think it was fun to sleep in the bed with us....not something we let them do on a regular basis.
The second day was an easier drive and we made it to Payson by noon. We picked up house keys for the rental house, unloaded the cars and looked forward to seeing the moving van the next day.