I'm a retired educator (teacher/principal) who moved from Northern California to Payson, Arizona in September, 2010.
This blog will chronicle my adventures as I explore a different ecosystem and build my new home.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

West Yard Progress

The lattice work is complete. It will look so much better once we have plants climbing up it. Though we won't be able to plant until mid-May. We are having a cold spell right now.....11 degrees when we got up this morning.

Here's a shot of one of the window boxes. They are big....Matt called them small coffins. We have to waterproof the insides and drill holes for drainage.

Fire pit area. Plants will be growing on this lattice as well.

I am trying to decide whether to paint the window boxes Cherry Bomb (like the front door and door to the garden shed) or White. Got an opinion?

Fake grass/turf arrived. It comes in a 15 foot roll. It's really tough to cut.

We spread it out in front of the garage in order to get the "kinks" out. The guys cut it to fit the areas they are working on (We have 3 small areas.) and then sprinkle a turf fill (green sand and zeolite) over it. They then use a machine that "fluffs" it up.
Cooper "christened" it right away. The jury is still out on whether we like it.......I'll keep you posted.


  1. The yard is looking great! I love the pavers and the window boxes. I think I would vote white on the window boxes, so if you plant flowers they won't have any competition. But I also think the red is stunning on the front so either will be great!

    I can't wait to see what the turf looks like.

  2. I'm with Heidi. White paint if you want bright flowers or seasonal colors in the boxes; cherry bomb if you plan to use more green or earth tone plants.

  3. Hello and Happy New Year! I just checked in here to see how you were doing, and I love the newest project! You must be having such fun dreaming and creating and adding to your beautiful home. I hope all is well with you. My girls are growing up too quickly (both Ava and Mina are taller than me!), but we are all happy and healthy. Hugs from all of the Anderson's to you!
