I'm a retired educator (teacher/principal) who moved from Northern California to Payson, Arizona in September, 2010.
This blog will chronicle my adventures as I explore a different ecosystem and build my new home.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Cracker Jack Mine Jeep Tour

Our local historical society hosted a jeep tour led by the president of the 4-wheeler club.

We rode in a friend's lime green Rubicon. A pretty smooth ride considering we were traveling over rutted, rocky dirt roads.

We stopped for a chat by this tree. The loggers missed it. It's probably about 350 years old. The top is dead due to bark beetle but the bottom is fine as it has a water source by the creek.

What am I doing? Putting my nose in one of the cracks. Why?

It smells just like butterscotch!

We crossed the East Verde River a number of times. It's very low right now. Boy, could we use some rain.

We found the mine (gold and copper) but the Forest Service has closed the opening to the mine for safety reasons. All the building associated with the mine have been torn down too. You have to use your imagination. Our leader did talk a bit about the mining process.

Nice views of the Mazatzal Mountains.

This looks like a great swimming hole but the only way to get there is to bushwhack down the side of this cliff. I'll skip it!

We made a big loop……25 miles total. Average speed…..7 miles an hour.

We ended up at the Doll Baby Ranch area. We saw some horses and cows along the way.

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