I'm a retired educator (teacher/principal) who moved from Northern California to Payson, Arizona in September, 2010.
This blog will chronicle my adventures as I explore a different ecosystem and build my new home.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday Snow

Yesterday we were hiking in shirt sleeves in Sedona and this morning at about 8:00 a.m. it started to snow! Big flakes that blanketed the ground.

Randy got this shot of one of the quail. His photography skills are getting pretty amazing.

We had quite a lot of quail in the yard this morning......we must have been the only restaurant in town.

I have been trying to get the cats to go out and experience snow.....no dice yet.

1 comment:

  1. With all that wildlife, I am surprised that the cats are begging to out and catch themselves a bird or two.
