Yippee! The windows arrived at noon today. They were made in Dubuque, Iowa and shipped to Snowflake which is 84 miles northeast of Payson. They had to be processed there before they could be shipped to us.
They were unloaded into the garage area. Matt is thinking.....there are a lot of windows!
Pat and Matt cut out the Typar, siliconed the edges and applied weather stripping.
They then lifted the window and placed it into the opening. These are aluminum clad wood windows. (Best for the Arizona sun.)
Pat put enough nails in the window to hold it until they can go back and use a nail gun to finish the nailing process.
They made sure the windows were level and square before they put any nails into the wood.
The kitchen window was a heavy one plus they were standing (balancing) on the deck jousts.
Ta da........looks great!
Mud room and one of the kitchen windows done......just a few more to go.
Matt and Pat will be working on Saturday to try and get all of the windows in place.