I'm a retired educator (teacher/principal) who moved from Northern California to Payson, Arizona in September, 2010.
This blog will chronicle my adventures as I explore a different ecosystem and build my new home.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Framing Continues and Granite

Another day of sun and more framing. One more day and the downstairs should be finished.

It's so nice to have walls......I can visualize how things will look and I can see the views from the windows. We have the BEST carpenter team.......skillful, professional and just all around great guys.

We drove to Scottsdale today to look at granite for the kitchen counters. I love going to these warehouses and looking at the different stone patterns and colors.
We are going to paint the kitchen cabinets gray. Do you have any idea how many grays are out there? Oh my goodness it's gets confusing. I chose four grays that I liked and got sample cans and painted them on plastic sheets.

I quickly realized that I could not choose the cabinet color without the granite. I was worried that my choices would be limited. There are so many granites with various shades of brown or rust. I wondered if finding one with gray was going to be a problem.

We narrowed it down to four...then three.....then two. One of the ones we were considering was twice the price of the one we chose. (I didn't like it that much more......actually it was very dark and I decided I didn't want dark counters as I had those in California.)
So the winner is......White Springs.

It has a cream background and bits of black, brown, and even a little red and gold. I had the dining chairs painted black (they were green) and we are getting some black metal bar stools from a restaurant furniture supply store so that should work. Plus the red in the granite will "rock" with our oriental carpet....all part of the same great room.

We now have to talk to a fabricator and make arrangements to pick the three slabs that we will need. I'm excited to have this decision done.......on to the next one!

1 comment:

  1. The granite looks great. It's neutral, but still has a lot of character.

    Big decision out of the way.
