I'm a retired educator (teacher/principal) who moved from Northern California to Payson, Arizona in September, 2010.
This blog will chronicle my adventures as I explore a different ecosystem and build my new home.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Addition to the Family

This is Cooper. Coop for short. Cooper Dooper if you are playing around. He is the new addition to our family. We have always wanted a dog but didn't want to leave it every day to go to work. And now we don't have to!

We adopted him from the Payson Humane Society on Saturday. He is four months old and is a Lab/Terrier mix. He had been at the shelter with his 6 brothers and sisters since he was three weeks old.

We took him to the vet yesterday and he is "fit as a fiddle." He is very well behaved and has not made any messes in the house. (We have to get up once in the early morning to let him out.) He loves his crate. He gets along with the cats although they like him to stay at least 4 feet away from them. Buster does like his food, however.

He is getting used to his leash and loves going to the building site and exploring. He has discovered elk poop.....likes to eat it.

1 comment:

  1. So much fun to see your amazing home being built.
    Seems like it's going up so quickly, from my end anyway.
    Cooper is a beauty! Man, he lucked out on a great family!
