I'm a retired educator (teacher/principal) who moved from Northern California to Payson, Arizona in September, 2010.
This blog will chronicle my adventures as I explore a different ecosystem and build my new home.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cooper Update

Things have been a little slow at the house lately.....lots of electrical hook ups and plumbing on the inside which doesn't make for very interesting blog photos. Beams for the great room were delivered on Friday but Matt sent all but one back......weren't good enough.
So......here's a Cooper update.

He is doing very well with his lessons. The trainer called him "Demo Dog" and may use him to demonstrate "what a well trained dog can do" when we start our classes in May. In the meantime we are working on heel, turns, come, sitting on entering a room or greeting a stranger, and walking with the lead......but not attached to a human.

We found a great place to walk.....it's called Peach Tree Trail and is part of the Payson Trail System. It's just a half a block from our rental house! It goes for miles and miles and is so beautiful at 7:00 in the morning.

Here's Cooper with his fifteen foot lead.......but I am not at the end of it. He is on his own and has to stay with me.

Payson has quite a trail system. This one is used by quads and bicycle folks as well. I met a fellow dog walker today and Cooper was delighted when she offered him a treat.

Cooper does lots of exploring on his own but always keeps me in sight. He loves to let me get ahead of him and then run like the dickens to catch up with me.

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