This is Mike, the excavator. He can do wonderful things with a backhoe.

Unloading the equipment at 8:00 this morning.
The city came out and turned the water on. Perfect timing.
The lot has to be cleared and brushed out first. We are trying to save as many trees as we can but some are not in great shape so they will become firewood.
That's me........I am so excited to get this project going!!!!
We are taking all of the wood that can be used for firewood and piling it up in one section of the lot. Randy has a lot of hours of chainsawing ahead of him. George, Mike's dad, is helping load up the wood.
The smaller stuff is going to be hauled to the dump. We've got about $1000 worth of dump runs.
This is Shad, the plumber. He is putting in the water box so we can hook up a hose and have water on the property.
Randy helped with the loading of the firewood. It's quite a pile!!
Another truck load for the dump. Lots of manzanita which is a fire hazard anyway.
Wow! It's looking like we have a driveway.